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Animals Thinking Feeling And Grieving

Animals: Thinking, Feeling, and Grieving

Levi-Strauss's Insight

Claude Levi-Strauss famously said, "Animals are good to think with." This phrase does not simply suggest that animals are useful for scientific study. Rather, it speaks to the profound connection between humans and animals and the valuable insights we can gain by understanding their minds and emotions.

Empathy and Grief

Research has shown that animals possess a remarkable capacity for empathy. They can understand and respond to the emotional states of both conspecifics and humans. For example, studies have found that dogs can detect when their owners are feeling stressed or sad and will often exhibit comforting behaviors. Animals also grieve the loss of loved ones. Studies have shown that elephants, dolphins, and apes mourn the death of a family member or close companion. They may exhibit behaviors such as crying, self-destructive actions, and withdrawal from social activities.

Seeking Joy

Just like humans, animals seek out experiences that bring them joy and pleasure. They engage in play, explore their surroundings, and interact with others. Studies have shown that animals can experience positive emotions such as happiness, excitement, and contentment.


The growing body of research on animal cognition and emotion challenges the long-held belief that humans are unique in our capacity for thought, empathy, and grief. By recognizing the similarities between humans and animals, we deepen our understanding of our own nature and our place in the world. Animals are not merely objects to be studied or exploited; they are sentient beings with complex emotional lives, and they deserve our respect and compassion.
